Source code for symaware.base.agent_coordinator

import asyncio
import signal
import time
from typing import (

from import (
from symaware.base.models import Environment
from symaware.base.utils import get_logger

from .agent import Agent

    # Forward declarations and 3.9 type hinting
    import sys

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        from typing import TypeAlias
        from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

T = TypeVar("T", bound=KnowledgeDatabase)
CoroutineCallbacks: "TypeAlias" = Callable[["AgentCoordinator"], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
InitialisationInfo: "TypeAlias" = dict[Identifier, tuple[MultiAgentAwarenessVector, MultiAgentKnowledgeDatabase[T]]]

[docs] class AgentCoordinator(Generic[T]): # pylint: disable=function-redefined """ The agent coordinator is responsible for running all agents and the environment in an asynchronous manner. It is advised to use this class instead of running the agents and environment manually. After loading the agents and the environment, the coordinator can be started by calling the :meth:`run` or :meth:`async_run` methods. It is possible to add a callback that will be executed after the initialisation and one after the termination of the agents and the environment. Args ---- env: Environment the agents will interact with and the coordinator will run agents: Collection of agents that will be run by the coordinator post_init: Callback that will be executed after the initialisation of the agents and the environment post_stop: Callback that will be executed after the termination of the agents and the environment async_post_init: Asynchronous callback that will be executed after the initialisation of the agents and the environment async_post_stop: Asynchronous callback that will be executed after the termination of the agents and the environment """ __LOGGER = get_logger(__name__, "AgentCoordinator") def __init__( self, env: Environment, agents: "Iterable[Agent] | Agent | None" = None, post_init: "Callable[[AgentCoordinator], None] | None" = None, post_stop: "Callable[[AgentCoordinator], None] | None" = None, async_post_init: "CoroutineCallbacks | None" = None, async_post_stop: "CoroutineCallbacks | None" = None, ): self._agents: list[Agent] = [] self._env = env self._running = False self._loop: "asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None" = None self._post_init = post_init self._post_stop = post_stop self._async_post_init = async_post_init self._async_post_stop = async_post_stop self._run_task: "asyncio.Task | None" = None self.add_agents(agents or [])
[docs] def add_agents(self, agents: "Iterable[Agent] | Agent"): """ Add agents to the coordinator. Args ---- agents: Collection of agents that will be run by the coordinator Raises ------ ValueError: Agents must be an Agent or an Iterable of Agent """ if isinstance(agents, Agent): self._agents.append(agents) elif isinstance(agents, Iterable): self._agents.extend(agents) else: raise ValueError("agents must be an Agent or an Iterable of Agent")
@property def agents(self) -> list[Agent]: """Collection of agents that will be run by the coordinator""" return self._agents @property def env(self) -> Environment: """Environment the agents will interact with and the coordinator will run""" return self._env @property def running(self) -> bool: """Whether the coordinator is running""" return self._running @property def is_initialised(self) -> bool: """Whether all agents are initialised""" return all(agent.is_initialised for agent in self._agents)
[docs] async def _initialise(self, initialise_info: "InitialisationInfo"): """ Initialise all agents asynchronously. Only the agents that have not been initialised before and are present in the `initialise_info` will be initialised. Args ---- initialise_info: Dictionary containing the initialisation information for each agent. The agent id is the key and the value is a tuple containing the awareness vector and the knowledge database """ self._env.initialise() for agent in self._agents: if agent.is_initialised or not in initialise_info: continue await agent.async_initialise_agent(*initialise_info[]) self.__LOGGER.debug("Agent %s has been initialised: %s",, initialise_info)"Initialised")
[docs] async def _run(self): """ Run all agents and the environment asynchronously. The method will return when all agents and the environment have been stopped. """ self._running = True"Running all agents and environment") agent_runs = (agent.async_run() for agent in self._agents) await asyncio.gather(*agent_runs, self._env.async_run())
[docs] async def _stop(self): """ Stop all agents and the environment gracefully. The method will return when all agents and the environment have been stopped. """ assert self._run_task is not None self._running = False agent_stop = (agent.async_stop() for agent in self._agents) await asyncio.gather(*agent_stop, self._env.async_stop()) await self._run_task # Wait for the run task to finish gracefully"All agents and the environment have been stopped gracefully")
[docs] def _set_loop_stop_signals(self, stop_signals: tuple[signal.Signals, ...]): """ Set the stop signals for the event loop. By default, the signals SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGABRT are used. Args ---- stop_signals: Signals that will cause the event loop to stop gracefully """ assert self._loop is not None if len(stop_signals) == 0: stop_signals = (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGABRT) try: for sig in stop_signals: self._loop.add_signal_handler(sig, self._raise_system_exit) except NotImplementedError as exc: self.__LOGGER.warning( "Could not add signal handlers for the stop signals %s due to " "exception `%s`. If your event loop does not implement `add_signal_handler`," " please pass `stop_signals=None`.", stop_signals, exc, )
[docs] def run( self, time_step: float, timeout: float = -1, steps_limit: int = -1, initialise_info: "InitialisationInfo | None" = None, pre_agent_iteration_callback: "Callable[[Agent, int, float], Any] | None" = None, ): """ Start running all the agents and the environment. All agents will begin running their components synchronously. The frequency at which each :class:`.Component` is executed is determined by the `time_step`. All agents that have not yet been initialised will be initialised before running, as long as the `initialise_info` contains the initialisation information for the agent, namely a tuple with the awareness vector and the knowledge database. Example ------- The following example shows how to create an environment, agents and a coordinator. >>> from symaware.base import ( ... AgentCoordinator, ... Agent, ... Environment, ... TimeIntervalAsyncLoopLock, ... Entity, ... DynamicalModel, ... ) >>> >>> class MyEnvironment(Environment): ... ... >>> class MyEntity(Entity): ... ... >>> class MyModel(DynamicalModel): ... ... >>> >>> # Create the environment >>> env = MyEnvironment(async_loop_lock=TimeIntervalAsyncLoopLock(0.1)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Create the agents >>> agents = [Agent(i, MyEntity(i, MyModel(i))) for i in range(1, 5)] # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Set the components for each agent >>> for agent in agents: # doctest: +SKIP ... agent.set_components(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Create the coordinator >>> coordinator = AgentCoordinator(env, agents) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Run the coordinator with a time step of 1 second >>> # doctest: +SKIP Args ---- time_step: Time step representing the interval at which the agents and the environment will be updated timeout: Time in seconds after which the event loop will stop. If the timeout is negative, the event loop will run indefinitely steps_limit: Maximum number of steps the event loop will run before stopping. If the limit is negative, the agents will run indefinitely initialise_info: Dictionary containing the initialisation information for each agent. The agent id is the key and the value is a tuple containing the awareness vector, the knowledge database and the time pre_agent_iteration_callback: Callback that will be executed before each agent iteration. The callback will receive the agent, the iteration count and the elapsed time as arguments Raises ------ Exception: An unforeseen exception was raised during execution """ self._env.initialise() for agent in self._agents: if agent.is_initialised or initialise_info is None or not in initialise_info: continue agent.initialise_agent(*initialise_info[]) self.__LOGGER.debug("Agent %s has been initialised: %s",, initialise_info)"Initialised") if self._post_init is not None: self._post_init(self) try: starting_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() iteration_count = 0 while True: if steps_limit > 0 and iteration_count >= steps_limit: break if timeout > 0 and end_time - starting_time >= timeout: break start_step_time = time.time() self._env.step() for agent in self._agents: if pre_agent_iteration_callback is not None: pre_agent_iteration_callback(agent, iteration_count, end_time - starting_time) agent.step() end_time = time.time() time.sleep(max(0, time_step - (end_time - start_step_time))) iteration_count += 1 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):"Received stop signal. Stopping agents.") except Exception as exc: self.__LOGGER.error("An error occurred: %s", exc) raise exc finally: self._env.stop() if self._post_stop is not None: self._post_stop(self)
[docs] def async_run( self, initialise_info: "InitialisationInfo | None" = None, timeout: float = -1, loop: "asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None" = None, stop_signals: "tuple[signal.Signals, ...] | None" = None, close_loop: bool = True, ): """ Start running the event loop. All agents will begin running their components asynchronously. The frequency at which each :class:`.Component` is executed is determined by their :class:`.AsyncLoopLock`. All agents that have not yet been initialised will be initialised before running, as long as the `initialise_info` contains the initialisation information for the agent, namely a tuple with the awareness vector and the knowledge database. Example ------- The following example shows how to create an environment, agents and a coordinator. >>> from symaware.base import ( ... AgentCoordinator, ... Agent, ... Environment, ... TimeIntervalAsyncLoopLock, ... Entity, ... DynamicalModel, ... ) >>> >>> class MyEnvironment(Environment): ... ... >>> class MyEntity(Entity): ... ... >>> class MyModel(DynamicalModel): ... ... >>> >>> # Create the environment >>> env = MyEnvironment(async_loop_lock=TimeIntervalAsyncLoopLock(0.1)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Create the agents >>> agents = [Agent(i, MyEntity(i, MyModel(i))) for i in range(1, 5)] # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Set the components for each agent >>> for agent in agents: # doctest: +SKIP ... agent.set_components(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Create the coordinator >>> coordinator = AgentCoordinator(env, agents) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> # Run the coordinator >>> coordinator.async_run() # doctest: +SKIP Args ---- initialise_info: Dictionary containing the initialisation information for each agent. The agent id is the key and the value is a tuple containing the awareness vector, the knowledge database and the time timeout: Time in seconds after which the event loop will stop. If the timeout is negative, the event loop will run indefinitely loop: event loop. If none is provided, the default one will be used stop_signals: Signals that will cause the event loop to stop gracefully close_loop: Whether to close the event loop upon termination Raises ------ Exception: An unforeseen exception was raised during execution """ self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._set_loop_stop_signals(stop_signals or tuple()) try: self._loop.run_until_complete(self._initialise(initialise_info or {})) if self._async_post_init is not None: self._loop.run_until_complete(self._async_post_init(self)) self._run_task = self._loop.create_task(self._run()) if timeout > 0: self._loop.call_later(timeout, self._raise_sigint) self._loop.run_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):"Received stop signal. Stopping agents.") except Exception as exc: self.__LOGGER.error("An error occurred: %s", exc) raise exc finally: try: if self.running: self._loop.run_until_complete(self._stop()) if self._async_post_stop is not None: self._loop.run_until_complete(self._async_post_stop(self)) self._loop.stop() except Exception as exc: self.__LOGGER.error("An error occurred: %s", exc) raise exc finally: if close_loop: self._loop.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def _raise_sigint(): """ Raise a SIGINT signal to stop the event loop gracefully. """ signal.raise_signal(signal.SIGINT)
[docs] @staticmethod def _raise_system_exit() -> NoReturn: """ Raise a SystemExit exception. Used to stop the event loop gracefully. Raises ------ SystemExit: A signal was received to stop the event loop """ raise SystemExit