Source code for symaware.base.components.controller

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import (
from symaware.base.models import DynamicalModel, NullDynamicalModel
from symaware.base.utils import NullObject, Tasynclooplock

from .component import Component

    import sys
    from typing import Any, Callable

    from symaware.base.agent import Agent

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        from typing import TypeAlias
        from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

    ComputingControlInputCallback: TypeAlias = Callable[[Agent], Any]
    ComputedControlInputCallback: TypeAlias = Callable[[Agent, tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]], Any]

[docs] class Controller(Component[Tasynclooplock, "ComputingControlInputCallback", "ComputedControlInputCallback"]): """ Abstract class for the controller. Compute the control input for the agent. Normally the agent would use its information available at a certain time to compute a control input. This could translate in a lot of information being passed to the :meth:`compute`. Args ---- agent_id: Identifier of the agent this component belongs to async_loop_lock: Async loop lock to use for the controller """ def __init__(self, agent_id, async_loop_lock: "Tasynclooplock | None" = None): super().__init__(agent_id, async_loop_lock) self._dynamical_model: DynamicalModel = NullDynamicalModel.instance() @property def dynamical_model(self) -> DynamicalModel: """ Dynamical system model for the agent """ return self._dynamical_model
[docs] def initialise_component( self, agent: "Agent", initial_awareness_database: MultiAgentAwarenessVector, initial_knowledge_database: MultiAgentKnowledgeDatabase, ): self._dynamical_model = agent.model super().initialise_component(agent, initial_awareness_database, initial_knowledge_database)
[docs] @abstractmethod def _compute(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]: """ Compute the control input for the agent. Normally the agent would use its information available at a certain time to compute a control input. This could translate in a lot of information being passed to this method. This method must be implemented in any custom controller. Example ------- Create a new controller by subclassing the :class:`.Controller` and implementing the :meth:`_compute` method and the :meth:`_update` method. >>> from symaware.base import Controller, MultiAgentAwarenessVector, MultiAgentKnowledgeDatabase, TimeSeries >>> import numpy as np >>> class MyController(Controller): ... def _compute(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]: ... # Your implementation here ... # Example: ... # Get the state of the agent ... state = self._agent.self_state ... # Get the goal position from the knowledge database ... goal_pos = self._agent.self_knowledge["goal_pos"] ... # Compute the control input as the difference between the goal position and the current state ... control_input = goal_pos - state ... # Return the control input and an empty TimeSeries ... return control_input, TimeSeries() ... ... def _update(self, control_input_and_intent: tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]): ... # Your implementation here ... # Example: ... # Simply override the control input and intent of the agent ... control_input, intent = control_input_and_intent ... self._agent.model.control_input = control_input ... self._agent.self_awareness.intent = intent Returns ------- - New state of the agent the controller wants to reach, - Time series of intents of the controller, Can be empty """ pass
[docs] def _update(self, control_input_and_intent: tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]): """ Update the agent's model with the computed control input and store the intent in the agent's awareness vector. Example ------- A new controller could decide to override the default :meth:`_update` method. >>> from symaware.base import Controller, TimeSeries >>> class MyController(Controller): ... def _update(self, control_input_and_intent: tuple[np.ndarray, TimeSeries]): ... # Your implementation here ... # Example: ... # Simply override the control input and intent of the agent ... control_input, intent = control_input_and_intent ... self._agent.model.control_input = control_input ... self._agent.self_awareness.intent = intent Args ---- control_input_and_intent: Tuple composed of two elements: - new control input to apply to the agent's model - new intent to store in the agent's awareness vector """ control_input, intent = control_input_and_intent self._agent.model.control_input = control_input self._agent.self_awareness.intent = intent
[docs] class NullController(Controller, NullObject): """ Default controller used as a placeholder. It is used when no controller is set for an agent. An exception is raised if this object is used in any way. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(-1)
[docs] def _compute(self): pass
[docs] class DefaultController(Controller): """ Default implementation of the controller. It returns a zero vector of the right size as control input. Args ---- agent_id: Identifier of the agent this component belongs to async_loop_lock: Async loop lock to use for the controller """ def __init__(self, agent_id, async_loop_lock: "Tasynclooplock | None" = None): super().__init__(agent_id, async_loop_lock) self._control_input = np.zeros(0)
[docs] def initialise_component(self, agent, initial_awareness_database, initial_knowledge_database): super().initialise_component(agent, initial_awareness_database, initial_knowledge_database) self._control_input = np.zeros(agent.model.control_input_shape)
[docs] def _compute(self): return self._control_input, TimeSeries()