Source code for symaware.base.components.uncertainty_estimator

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import TimeSeries
from symaware.base.utils import NullObject, Tasynclooplock

from .component import Component

    import sys
    from typing import Any, Callable

    from symaware.base.agent import Agent

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        from typing import TypeAlias
        from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
    ComputingUncertaintyCallback: TypeAlias = Callable[[Agent], Any]
    ComputedUncertaintyCallback: TypeAlias = Callable[[Agent, TimeSeries], Any]

[docs] class UncertaintyEstimator(Component[Tasynclooplock, "ComputingUncertaintyCallback", "ComputedUncertaintyCallback"]): """ Generic uncertainty computer of an :class:`.symaware.base.Agent`. It is used to compute the uncertainty of an agent. The result of the computation is stored in the :class:`.AwarenessVector` of the agent. Args ---- agent_id: Identifier of the agent this component belongs to async_loop_lock: Async loop lock to use for the uncertainty estimator """
[docs] @abstractmethod def _compute(self) -> TimeSeries: """ Compute the uncertainty for the agent Example ------- Create a new uncertainty estimator by subclassing the :class:`.UncertaintyEstimator` and implementing the :meth:`_compute` method. >>> from symaware.base import UncertaintyEstimator, TimeSeries >>> class MyUncertaintyEstimator(UncertaintyEstimator): ... def _compute(self): ... # Your implementation here ... # Example: ... # Get the last value of the uncertainty stored in the awareness database ... awareness_database = self._agent.awareness_database ... if len(awareness_database[self._agent_id].uncertainty) == 0: ... return TimeSeries({0: np.array([0])}) ... last_value_idx = sorted(awareness_database[self._agent_id].uncertainty) ... last_value = awareness_database[self._agent_id].uncertainty[last_value_idx[-1]] ... # Inver the last value and return it as a TimeSeries ... return TimeSeries({0: np.array([1 - last_value])}) Returns ------- Uncertainty of the agent """ pass
[docs] def _update(self, uncertainty: TimeSeries): """ Update the uncertainty of the agent in the awareness database. Example ------- >>> from symaware.base import UncertaintyEstimator, TimeSeries >>> class MyUncertaintyEstimator(UncertaintyEstimator): ... def _update(self, uncertainty: TimeSeries): ... # Your implementation here ... # Example: ... # Simply override the uncertainty of the agent ... self._agent.self_awareness.uncertainty = uncertainty Args ---- uncertainty: Uncertainty to update in the awareness database """ self._agent.self_awareness.uncertainty = uncertainty
[docs] class NullUncertaintyEstimator(UncertaintyEstimator[Tasynclooplock], NullObject): """ Default uncertainty estimator used as a placeholder. It is used when no uncertainty estimator is set for an agent. An exception is raised if this object is used in any way. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(-1)
[docs] def _compute(self): pass
[docs] class DefaultUncertaintyEstimator(UncertaintyEstimator[Tasynclooplock]): """ Default implementation of uncertainty estimator. It returns the uncertainty stored in the awareness database of the agent. Args ---- agent_id: Identifier of the agent this component belongs to """
[docs] def _compute(self): """ Compute the uncertainty for the agent by returning the uncertainty stored in the awareness database of the agent. Returns ------- Uncertainty of the agent """ return self._agent.self_awareness.uncertainty