Source code for symaware.base.models.entity

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from import Identifier

from .dynamical_model import DynamicalModel, NullDynamicalModel

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Entity(ABC): """ Generic class that represents an entity in the simulation environment. It can be linked to an :class:`Agent`. Additionally, can support a dynamical model that determines its behaviour during the simulation, based on the control inputs it receives. Note ---- The initialise and step method will be called by the simulation environment, and should be implemented by the subclasses to define the characteristics of the entity according to the chosen simulator. Args ---- id: id of the agent this entity is linked to model: dynamical model that determines the behaviour of this entity, if any """ id: Identifier = field(default=-1) model: DynamicalModel = field(default_factory=NullDynamicalModel)
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialise(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def step(self): if isinstance(self.model, NullDynamicalModel): return self.model.step()