Source code for symaware.base.utils.logging

import asyncio
import functools
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

    # String type hinting to support python 3.9
    import sys
    from typing import TypeVar

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        from typing import ParamSpec
        from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

    Param = ParamSpec("Param")
    Return = TypeVar("Return")

[docs] def initialize_logger(level: "str | int" = logging.INFO): """ Set the logging level for all loggers Args ---- level: The logging level to set """ logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s")
[docs] def get_logger(file_name: str, class_name: "str | None" = None) -> logging.Logger: """ Returns a logger with an appropriate name. If no class name is provided, the last part of the file name is capitalized and used instead. Example ------- The logger utility can be used in any module. Is is recommended give the logger the name of the module and the class that uses it. >>> from symaware.base import get_logger >>> logger = get_logger(__name__, "MyClass") >>>"Hello world!") Args ---- file_name: The name of the file where the logger is defined class_name: The name of the class that will use the logger Returns ------- The logger """ parts = file_name.split(".") package = ".".join(parts[:-1]) name = f"{package}.{class_name or parts[-1].capitalize()}" return logging.getLogger(name)
[docs] def log( logger: logging.Logger = get_logger(__name__), level: int = logging.DEBUG ) -> "Callable[[Callable[Param, Return]], Callable[Param, Return]]": """ Decorator to log the input and output of a function. Examples -------- Using the decorator to log the input and output of a function >>> import logging >>> from symaware.base import log, get_logger, initialize_logger >>> >>> initialize_logger(logging.INFO) >>> logger = get_logger(__name__) >>> >>> @log(logger, logging.INFO) ... def my_function(x): ... return x + 1 >>> >>> # INFO:__main__:my_function(1, {}) >>> # INFO:__main__:my_function(...) -> 2 >>> my_function(1) 2 >>> import logging >>> from symaware.base import log, get_logger, initialize_logger >>> >>> initialize_logger(logging.DEBUG) >>> logger = get_logger(__name__) >>> >>> class MyClass: ... __LOGGER = get_logger(__name__, "MyClass") ... @log(__LOGGER) ... def my_function(self, x): ... return x + 2 >>> >>> my_instance = MyClass() >>> # DEBUG:__main__.MyClass:my_function(4, {}) >>> # DEBUG:__main__.MyClass:my_function(...) -> 6 >>> my_instance.my_function(4) 6 Args ---- logger: what logger to use. If not provided, a default logger from this module is used level: what logging level to use Returns ------- Log function decorator """ def _log(func: "Callable[Param, Return]") -> "Callable[Param, Return]": @functools.wraps(func) def decorator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: logger.log(level, "%s(%s, %s)", func.__name__, args, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) logger.log(level, "%s(...) -> %s", func.__name__, result) return result @functools.wraps(func) async def async_decorator(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: logger.log(level, "%s(%s, %s)", func.__name__, args, kwargs) result = await func(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore logger.log(level, "%s(...) -> %s", func.__name__, result) return result return decorator if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func) else async_decorator return _log