Source code for symaware.simulators.pymunk.dynamical_model

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TypedDict

import numpy as np
import pymunk
import pymunk.pygame_util
from import Identifier
from symaware.base.models import DynamicalModel as BaseDynamicalModel

from .entities import Entity

[docs] class VelocityModelSubinputs(TypedDict): velocity: np.ndarray
[docs] class ForceModelSubinputs(TypedDict): force: np.ndarray
[docs] class DynamicalModel(BaseDynamicalModel): """ Abstract class for the dynamical models using the Pymunk physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, control_input: np.ndarray): super().__init__(ID, control_input=control_input) self._entity: Entity
[docs] def initialise(self, entity: Entity): if not isinstance(entity, Entity): raise ValueError(f"Expected instance of PymunkSpatialEntity, received {type(entity)}") self._entity = entity
[docs] @abstractmethod def step(self): pass
[docs] class VelocityModel(DynamicalModel): """ Pymunk dynamical model. It sets the velocity of the entity. Todo ---- Ensure this model makes sense Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs max_force: Maximum force that can be applied to the wheels steering_links: Tuple of the two links that are used to steer the car motorized_wheels: Tuple of the two links that are used to drive the car """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, max_force: float = 40.0): super().__init__(ID, control_input=np.zeros(2)) self._max_force = max_force @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> VelocityModelSubinputs: return {"velocity": self.control_input}
[docs] def step(self): f_x, f_y = self._control_input f_x = -self._max_force if f_x < -self._max_force else self._max_force if f_x > self._max_force else f_x f_y = -self._max_force if f_y < -self._max_force else self._max_force if f_y > self._max_force else f_y self._entity.body.velocity = pymunk.Vec2d(f_x, f_y)
[docs] class ForceModel(DynamicalModel): """ Pymunk dynamical model. It applies an impulse force to the entity. Todo ---- Ensure this model makes sense Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs max_force: Maximum force that can be applied to the wheels steering_links: Tuple of the two links that are used to steer the car motorized_wheels: Tuple of the two links that are used to drive the car """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, max_force: float = 2.0): super().__init__(ID, control_input=np.zeros(2)) self._max_force = max_force @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> ForceModelSubinputs: return {"force": self.control_input}
[docs] def step(self): f_x, f_y = self._control_input f_x = -self._max_force if f_x < -self._max_force else self._max_force if f_x > self._max_force else f_x f_y = -self._max_force if f_y < -self._max_force else self._max_force if f_y > self._max_force else f_y self._entity.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point((f_x, f_y))