Source code for symaware.simulators.pymunk.entities

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pymunk
import pymunk.pygame_util
from symaware.base.models import Entity as BaseEntity
from symaware.base.models import NullDynamicalModel

    # String type hinting to support python 3.9
    import pygame

    # Forwards reference
    from .dynamical_model import DynamicalModel

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Entity(BaseEntity): """ Abstract class for the entities using the Pymunk physics engine. Args ---- model: Dynamical model of the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PymunkDynamicalModel` position: Initial position of the entity angle: Initial angle of the entity body: Pymunk body of the entity. It is automatically created shape: Pymunk shape of the entity. It is automatically created color: Color of the entity used for visualisation mass: Mass of the entity friction: Friction of the entity elasticity: Elasticity of the entity """ model: "DynamicalModel" = field(default_factory=NullDynamicalModel) position: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.zeros(2)) angle: float = field(default=0.0) body: "pymunk.Body" = field(default_factory=pymunk.Body) color: "pygame.Color | None" = field(default=None) mass: float = field(default=1) friction: float = field(default=0.7) elasticity: float = field(default=0) _shape: "pymunk.Shape" = field(default=None) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__( self, "position", np.pad(self.position[:2], (0, max(0, 2 - len(self.position))), mode="constant") ) self.body.position = pymunk.Vec2d(self.position[0], self.position[1]) self.body.angle = self.angle self.body.velocity = pymunk.Vec2d(0, 0) self._shape.mass = self.mass self._shape.friction = self.friction self._shape.elasticity = self.elasticity if self.color is not None: self._shape.color = self.color
[docs] def initialise(self, space: pymunk.Space): space.add(self.body, self._shape) if not isinstance(self.model, NullDynamicalModel): self.model.initialise(self)
@property def shape(self) -> "pymunk.Shape": return self._shape def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((super().__hash__(), id(self)))
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SphereEntity(Entity): radius: float = field(default=1.0) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, "_shape", pymunk.Circle(self.body, radius=self.radius)) super().__post_init__() def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((super().__hash__(), id(self)))
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BoxEntity(Entity): sizes: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.ones(2)) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, "_shape", pymunk.Poly.create_box(self.body, size=(self.sizes[0], self.sizes[1]))) object.__setattr__(self, "sizes", np.pad(self.sizes[:2], (0, max(0, 2 - len(self.sizes))), mode="constant")) super().__post_init__() def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((super().__hash__(), id(self)))