Source code for symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model

import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etxml
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TypedDict

import numpy as np
import pybullet as p

from symaware.base import DynamicalModel as BaseDynamicalModel
from symaware.base import Identifier, get_logger

from .urdf import URDF

[docs] class RacecarModelSubinputs(TypedDict): target_velocity: np.ndarray steering_angle: np.ndarray
[docs] class DroneModelSubinputs(TypedDict): rpm1: float rpm2: float rpm3: float rpm4: float
[docs] class RawModelSubinputs(TypedDict): x: float y: float z: float yaw: float pitch: float roll: float
[docs] class Velocity2DSubinputs(TypedDict): v: float w: float
[docs] class DynamicalModel(BaseDynamicalModel): """ Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, control_input: np.ndarray): super().__init__(ID, control_input=control_input) self._entity_id = -1
[docs] def initialise(self, entity_id: int): self._entity_id = entity_id if self._entity_id < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to initialise {self.__class__.__name__}: negative id = {self._ID}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def step(self): pass
[docs] class RawDynamicalModel(DynamicalModel): """ Raw dynamical model for the entity. It allows to set the position and orientation of the entity directly. It takes a control input of six elements: - x: x position - y: y position - z: z position - yaw: yaw orientation - pitch: pitch orientation - roll: roll orientation """ def __init__(self, agent_id: Identifier): super().__init__(agent_id, np.zeros(6)) @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> RawModelSubinputs: return { "x": self._control_input[0], "y": self._control_input[1], "z": self._control_input[2], "yaw": self._control_input[3], "pitch": self._control_input[4], "roll": self._control_input[5], }
[docs] def set_control_input(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, yaw: float, pitch: float, roll: float): self.control_input = self.control_input_to_array(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll)
[docs] def control_input_to_array(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, yaw: float, pitch: float, roll: float) -> np.ndarray: return np.array([x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll])
[docs] def step(self): p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._entity_id, self._control_input[:3], p.getQuaternionFromEuler(self._control_input[3:]), )
[docs] class Velocity2DModel(DynamicalModel): """ A simple model that moves the entity in the x-y plane. The entity can move forward and rotate around the z-axis. It takes a control input of two elements: - v: linear velocity (scalar) - w: angular velocity (scalar) From the control input, the model computes the new position and orientation of the entity based on the following kinematic equations: x' = x + t_e * v * cos(yaw) y' = y + t_e * v * sin(yaw) yaw' = yaw + t_e * w where t_e is the time elapsed since the last step and x, y, yaw are the current x-y position and orientation of the entity. Args ---- agent_id: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to z: Fixed height of the entity pitch: Fixed pitch of the entity roll: Fixed roll of the entity time_step: Fix the time interval between each step to a specific value. If it is <= 0, the model will use the real time elapsed between each step instead. """ def __init__(self, agent_id: Identifier, z: float = 2, pitch: float = 0, roll: float = 0, time_step: float = -1.0): super().__init__(agent_id, np.zeros(2)) self._z = z self._pitch = pitch self._roll = roll self._time_step = time_step self._elapsed_time = -1 @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> Velocity2DSubinputs: return {"v": self._control_input[0], "w": self._control_input[1]}
[docs] def set_control_input(self, v: float, w: float): self.control_input = self.control_input_to_array(v, w)
[docs] def control_input_to_array(self, v: float, w: float) -> np.ndarray: return np.array([v, w])
[docs] def step(self): position, orientation = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._entity_id) state = [position[0], position[1], p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orientation)[2]] if self._time_step > 0: t_e = self._time_step elif self._elapsed_time < 0: t_e = 0 else: t_e = time.time() - self._elapsed_time x = state[0] + t_e * self._control_input[0] * np.cos(state[2]) y = state[1] + t_e * self._control_input[0] * np.sin(state[2]) yaw = state[2] + t_e * self._control_input[1] p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._entity_id, [x, y, self._z], p.getQuaternionFromEuler([self._pitch, self._roll, yaw]), ) self._elapsed_time = time.time()
[docs] class RacecarModel(DynamicalModel): """ PyBullet dynamical model for the racecar. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs max_force: Maximum force that can be applied to the wheels steering_links: Tuple of the two links that are used to steer the car motorized_wheels: Tuple of the two links that are used to drive the car """ __LOGGER = get_logger(__name__, "RacecarModel") def __init__( self, ID: Identifier, max_force: float = 20.0, steering_links: tuple[int, int] = (0, 2), motorized_wheels: tuple[int, int] = (8, 15), ): super().__init__(ID, control_input=np.zeros(2)) self._max_force = max_force self._steering_links = steering_links self._motorized_wheels = motorized_wheels @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> RacecarModelSubinputs: return {"target_velocity": self._control_input[0], "steering_angle": self._control_input[1]}
[docs] def set_control_input(self, target_velocity: float, steering_angle: float): self.control_input = self.control_input_to_array(target_velocity, steering_angle)
[docs] def control_input_to_array(self, target_velocity: float, steering_angle: float) -> np.ndarray: return np.array((target_velocity, steering_angle))
[docs] def initialise(self, entity_id: int): super().initialise(entity_id) for wheel in range(p.getNumJoints(self._entity_id)): p.setJointMotorControl2(self._entity_id, wheel, p.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=0, force=0) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 9, self._entity_id, 11, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 10, self._entity_id, 13, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 9, self._entity_id, 13, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 16, self._entity_id, 18, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 16, self._entity_id, 19, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 17, self._entity_id, 19, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 1, self._entity_id, 18, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, gearAuxLink=15, maxForce=10000) c = p.createConstraint( self._entity_id, 3, self._entity_id, 19, jointType=p.JOINT_GEAR, jointAxis=[0, 1, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], ) p.changeConstraint(c, gearRatio=-1, gearAuxLink=15, maxForce=10000)
[docs] def step(self): target_velocity, steering_angle = self._control_input for motor in self._motorized_wheels: p.setJointMotorControl2( self._entity_id, motor, p.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=target_velocity, force=self._max_force, ) for steer in self._steering_links: p.setJointMotorControl2(self._entity_id, steer, p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=steering_angle)
[docs] class DroneModel(DynamicalModel): """Base dynamical model for drones""" __LOGGER = get_logger(__name__, "DroneModel") def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, urp_path: str, debug: bool = False): """Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to urp_path: Path to the URDF file containing the drone's parameters control_input: Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs """ super().__init__(ID, control_input=np.ndarray(4)) self._urp_path = urp_path self._load_urdf_args() #### Compute constants ##################################### self.debug = debug self.gravity = 9.8 * self.m self.hover_rpm = np.sqrt(self.gravity / (4 * self.kf)) self.max_rpm = np.sqrt((self.thrust_to_weight_ratio * self.gravity) / (4 * self.kf)) self.max_thrust = 4 * self.kf * self.max_rpm**2 self.max_z_torque = 2 * * self.max_rpm**2 self.gnd_eff_h_clip = ( 0.25 * self.prop_radius * np.sqrt((15 * self.max_rpm**2 * self.kf * self.gnd_eff_coeff) / self.max_thrust) ) self.pos: tuple[float, float, float] self.quat: tuple[float, float, float, float] self.vel: tuple[float, float, float] self.ang_v: tuple[float, float, float] self.rpy_rates: np.ndarray self.X_AX: int self.Y_AX: int self.Z_AX: int self._last_timestamp = time.time() @property def normalized_control_input(self): return np.where( self.control_input <= self.hover_rpm, -1 + self.control_input / self.hover_rpm, 1 + (self.control_input - self.hover_rpm) / (self.max_rpm - self.hover_rpm), ) @normalized_control_input.setter def normalized_control_input(self, action: np.ndarray): self.control_input = self.normalized_control_input_to_rpm(action) @property def subinputs_dict(self) -> DroneModelSubinputs: return { "rpm1": self.control_input[0], "rpm2": self.control_input[1], "rpm3": self.control_input[2], "rpm4": self.control_input[3], }
[docs] def set_control_input(self, rpm1: float, rpm2: float, rpm3: float, rpm4: float): self.control_input = np.array([rpm1, rpm2, rpm3, rpm4])
[docs] def control_input_to_array(self, rpm1: float, rpm2: float, rpm3: float, rpm4: float) -> np.ndarray: return np.array([rpm1, rpm2, rpm3, rpm4])
[docs] def _load_urdf_args(self): """Loads parameters from an URDF file. This method is nothing more than a custom XML parser for the .urdf files in folder `assets/`. """ urdf_tree = etxml.parse(self._urp_path).getroot() self.m = float(urdf_tree[1][0][1].attrib["value"]) self.l = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["arm"]) self.thrust_to_weight_ratio = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["thrust2weight"]) self.ixx = float(urdf_tree[1][0][2].attrib["ixx"]) self.iyy = float(urdf_tree[1][0][2].attrib["iyy"]) self.izz = float(urdf_tree[1][0][2].attrib["izz"]) self.j = np.diag([self.ixx, self.iyy, self.izz]) self.j_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.j) self.kf = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["kf"]) = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["km"]) self.collision_h = float(urdf_tree[1][2][1][0].attrib["length"]) self.collision_r = float(urdf_tree[1][2][1][0].attrib["radius"]) self.collision_shape_offsets = [float(s) for s in urdf_tree[1][2][0].attrib["xyz"].split(" ")] self.collision_z_offset = self.collision_shape_offsets[2] self.max_speed_kmh = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["max_speed_kmh"]) self.gnd_eff_coeff = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["gnd_eff_coeff"]) self.prop_radius = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["prop_radius"]) self.drag_coeff_xy = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["drag_coeff_xy"]) self.drag_coeff_z = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["drag_coeff_z"]) self.drag_coeff = np.array([self.drag_coeff_xy, self.drag_coeff_xy, self.drag_coeff_z]) self.dw_coeff_1 = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["dw_coeff_1"]) self.dw_coeff_2 = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["dw_coeff_2"]) self.dw_coeff_3 = float(urdf_tree[0].attrib["dw_coeff_3"])"loaded parameters from the drone's .urdf")"m %f, L %f,", self.m, self.l)"ixx %f, iyy %f, izz %f,", self.j[0, 0], self.j[1, 1], self.j[2, 2])"kf %f, km %f,", self.kf,"t2w %f, max_speed_kmh %f,", self.thrust_to_weight_ratio, self.max_speed_kmh)"gnd_eff_coeff %f, prop_radius %f,", self.gnd_eff_coeff, self.prop_radius)"drag_xy_coeff %f, drag_z_coeff %f,", self.drag_coeff[0], self.drag_coeff[2]) "dw_coeff_1 %f, dw_coeff_2 %f, dw_coeff_3 %f", self.dw_coeff_1, self.dw_coeff_2, self.dw_coeff_3, )
[docs] def _show_drone_local_axes(self): """Draws the local frame of the n-th drone in PyBullet's GUI.""" if self.debug: axis_length = 2 * self.l self.X_AX = p.addUserDebugLine( lineFromXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineToXYZ=[axis_length, 0, 0], lineColorRGB=[1, 0, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self._entity_id, parentLinkIndex=-1, replaceItemUniqueId=int(self.X_AX), ) self.Y_AX = p.addUserDebugLine( lineFromXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineToXYZ=[0, axis_length, 0], lineColorRGB=[0, 1, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self._entity_id, parentLinkIndex=-1, replaceItemUniqueId=int(self.Y_AX), ) self.Z_AX = p.addUserDebugLine( lineFromXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineToXYZ=[0, 0, axis_length], lineColorRGB=[0, 0, 1], parentObjectUniqueId=self._entity_id, parentLinkIndex=-1, replaceItemUniqueId=int(self.Z_AX), )
[docs] def normalized_control_input_to_rpm(self, normalized_control_input: np.ndarray): """De-normalizes the [-1, 1] range to the [0, max_rpm] range. Args ---- normalized_control_input: (4)-shaped array of ints containing an input in the [-1, 1] range. Returns ------- (4)-shaped array of ints containing RPMs for the 4 motors in the [0, max_rpm] range. """ if np.any(np.abs(normalized_control_input) > 1): self.__LOGGER.error("_normalized_action_to_rpm(), out-of-bound action: %s", normalized_control_input) return np.where( normalized_control_input <= 0, (normalized_control_input + 1) * self.hover_rpm, self.hover_rpm + (self.max_rpm - self.hover_rpm) * normalized_control_input, )
[docs] def _update_kinematic_info(self): """Updates and stores the drones kinematic information. This method is meant to limit the number of calls to PyBullet in each step and improve performance (at the expense of memory). """ self.pos, self.quat = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._entity_id) self.rpy = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(self.quat) self.vel, self.ang_v = p.getBaseVelocity(self._entity_id)
[docs] def _integrate_q(self, quat: np.ndarray, omega: np.ndarray, dt: float) -> np.ndarray: omega_norm = np.linalg.norm(omega) b, q, r = omega if np.isclose(omega_norm, 0): return quat lambda_ = np.array([[0, r, -q, b], [-r, 0, b, q], [q, -b, 0, r], [-b, -q, -r, 0]]) * 0.5 theta = omega_norm * dt / 2 quat = * np.cos(theta) + 2 / omega_norm * lambda_ * np.sin(theta), quat) return quat
[docs] def _dynamics(self, rpm: np.ndarray): """Explicit dynamics implementation. Based on code written at the Dynamic Systems Lab by James Xu. Args ---- rpm : ndarray (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors. nth_drone : int The ordinal number/position of the desired drone in list self.DRONE_IDS. """ #### Current state ######################################### time_step = time.time() - self._last_timestamp pos = self.pos quat = self.quat vel = self.vel rpy_rates = self.rpy_rates rotation: np.ndarray = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(quat)).reshape(3, 3) #### Compute forces and torques ############################ forces = np.array(rpm**2) * self.kf thrust = np.array([0, 0, np.sum(forces)]) thrust_world_frame =, thrust) force_world_frame = thrust_world_frame - np.array([0, 0, self.gravity]) x_torque, y_torque, z_torque = self._get_torque(rpm, forces) torques = np.array([x_torque, y_torque, z_torque]) torques = torques - np.cross(rpy_rates,, rpy_rates)) rpy_rates_deriv =, torques) no_pybullet_dyn_accs = force_world_frame / self.m #### Update state ########################################## vel = vel + time_step * no_pybullet_dyn_accs rpy_rates = rpy_rates + time_step * rpy_rates_deriv pos = pos + time_step * vel quat = self._integrate_q(quat, rpy_rates, time_step) #### Set PyBullet's state ################################## p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self._entity_id, pos, quat) #### Note: the base's velocity only stored and not used #### p.resetBaseVelocity(self._entity_id, vel,, rpy_rates)) #### Store the roll, pitch, yaw rates for the next step #### self.rpy_rates = rpy_rates self._last_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def _downwash(self): """PyBullet implementation of a ground effect model. Based on experiments conducted at the Dynamic Systems Lab by SiQi Zhou. """ delta_z = self.pos[2] - self.pos[2] delta_xy = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.pos[0:2]) - np.array(self.pos[0:2])) if delta_z > 0 and delta_xy < 10: # Ignore drones more than 10 meters away alpha = self.dw_coeff_1 * (self.prop_radius / (4 * delta_z)) ** 2 beta = self.dw_coeff_2 * delta_z + self.dw_coeff_3 downwash = [0, 0, -alpha * np.exp(-0.5 * (delta_xy / beta) ** 2)] p.applyExternalForce( self._entity_id, 4, forceObj=downwash, posObj=[0, 0, 0], flags=p.LINK_FRAME, )
[docs] def _drag(self, rpm: np.ndarray): """PyBullet implementation of a drag model. Based on the the system identification in (Forster, 2015). Args ---- rpm : ndarray (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors. """ #### Rotation matrix of the base ########################### base_rot = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(self.quat)).reshape(3, 3) #### Simple draft model applied to the base/center of mass # drag_factors = -1 * self.drag_coeff * np.sum(np.array(2 * np.pi * rpm / 60)) drag =, drag_factors * np.array(self.vel)) p.applyExternalForce( self._entity_id, 4, forceObj=drag, posObj=[0, 0, 0], flags=p.LINK_FRAME, )
[docs] def _ground_effect(self, rpm: np.ndarray): """PyBullet implementation of a ground effect model. Inspired by the analytical model used for comparison in (Shi et al., 2019). Args ---- rpm : ndarray (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors. """ #### Kin. info of all links (propellers and center of mass) link_states = p.getLinkStates( self._entity_id, linkIndices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], computeLinkVelocity=1, computeForwardKinematics=1, ) #### Simple, per-propeller ground effects ################## prop_heights = np.array( [link_states[0][0][2], link_states[1][0][2], link_states[2][0][2], link_states[3][0][2]] ) prop_heights = np.clip(prop_heights, self.gnd_eff_h_clip, np.inf) gnd_effects = np.array(rpm**2) * self.kf * self.gnd_eff_coeff * (self.prop_radius / (4 * prop_heights)) ** 2 if np.abs(self.rpy[0]) < np.pi / 2 and np.abs(self.rpy[1]) < np.pi / 2: for i in range(4): p.applyExternalForce( self._entity_id, i, forceObj=[0, 0, gnd_effects[i]], posObj=[0, 0, 0], flags=p.LINK_FRAME, )
[docs] def step(self): """Advances the environment by one simulation step.""" forces = np.array(self._control_input**2) * self.kf _, _, z_torque = self._get_torque(self._control_input, forces) for i in range(4): p.applyExternalForce( self._entity_id, i, forceObj=[0, 0, forces[i]], posObj=[0, 0, 0], flags=p.LINK_FRAME, ) p.applyExternalTorque(self._entity_id, 4, torqueObj=[0, 0, z_torque], flags=p.LINK_FRAME) self._update_kinematic_info()
[docs] @abstractmethod def _get_torque(self, rpm: float, forces: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]: pass
[docs] def _get_state(self): """Returns the state vector of the n-th drone. Returns ------- (16)-shaped array of floats containing the state vector of the n-th drone. Check the only line in this method and `_updateAndStoreKinematicInformation()` to understand its format. """ state = np.hstack([self.pos, self.quat, self.rpy, self.vel, self.ang_v]) return state.reshape(16)
[docs] class DroneRacerModel(DroneModel): """ Dynamical model adapted for the Racer drone """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, debug: bool = False): """Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to """ super().__init__(ID, urp_path=URDF.DRONE_RACER.urdf, debug=debug) self.max_xy_torque = (2 * self.l * self.kf * self.max_rpm**2) / np.sqrt(2)
[docs] def _get_torque(self, rpm: float, forces: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]: z_torques = -(np.array(rpm**2) * z_torque = -z_torques[0] + z_torques[1] - z_torques[2] + z_torques[3] x_torque = (forces[0] + forces[1] - forces[2] - forces[3]) * (self.l / np.sqrt(2)) y_torque = (-forces[0] + forces[1] + forces[2] - forces[3]) * (self.l / np.sqrt(2)) return x_torque, y_torque, z_torque
[docs] class DroneCf2xModel(DroneModel): """ Dynamical model adapted for the Cf2x drone """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, debug: bool = False): """Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to """ super().__init__(ID, urp_path=URDF.DRONE_CF2X.urdf, debug=debug) self.max_xy_torque = (2 * self.l * self.kf * self.max_rpm**2) / np.sqrt(2)
[docs] def _get_torque(self, rpm: float, forces: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]: z_torques = np.array(rpm**2) * z_torque = -z_torques[0] + z_torques[1] - z_torques[2] + z_torques[3] x_torque = (forces[0] + forces[1] - forces[2] - forces[3]) * (self.l / np.sqrt(2)) y_torque = (-forces[0] + forces[1] + forces[2] - forces[3]) * (self.l / np.sqrt(2)) return x_torque, y_torque, z_torque
[docs] class DroneCf2pModel(DroneModel): """ Dynamical model adapted for the Cf2 drone """ def __init__(self, ID: Identifier, debug: bool = False): """Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine. Args ---- ID: Identifier of the agent this model belongs to """ super().__init__(ID, urp_path=URDF.DRONE_CF2P.urdf, debug=debug) self.max_xy_torque = self.l * self.kf * self.max_rpm**2
[docs] def _get_torque(self, rpm: float, forces: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]: z_torques = np.array(rpm**2) * z_torque = -z_torques[0] + z_torques[1] - z_torques[2] + z_torques[3] x_torque = (forces[1] - forces[3]) * self.l y_torque = (-forces[0] + forces[2]) * self.l return x_torque, y_torque, z_torque