symaware.simulators.pybullet package


symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model module

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DroneCf2pModel(ID, debug=False)[source]

Bases: DroneModel

Dynamical model adapted for the Cf2 drone

_get_torque(rpm, forces)[source]
Return type:

tuple[float, float, float]

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DroneCf2xModel(ID, debug=False)[source]

Bases: DroneModel

Dynamical model adapted for the Cf2x drone

_get_torque(rpm, forces)[source]
Return type:

tuple[float, float, float]

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DroneModel(ID, urp_path, debug=False)[source]

Bases: DynamicalModel

Base dynamical model for drones

__LOGGER = <Logger symaware.simulators.pybullet.DroneModel (WARNING)>

PyBullet implementation of a ground effect model.

Based on experiments conducted at the Dynamic Systems Lab by SiQi Zhou.


PyBullet implementation of a drag model.

Based on the the system identification in (Forster, 2015).


rpm (ndarray) – (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors.


Explicit dynamics implementation.

Based on code written at the Dynamic Systems Lab by James Xu.

  • rpm (ndarray) – (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors.

  • nth_drone (int) – The ordinal number/position of the desired drone in list self.DRONE_IDS.


Returns the state vector of the n-th drone.


(16)-shaped array of floats containing the state vector of the n-th drone. Check the only line in this method and _updateAndStoreKinematicInformation() to understand its format.

abstract _get_torque(rpm, forces)[source]
Return type:

tuple[float, float, float]


PyBullet implementation of a ground effect model.

Inspired by the analytical model used for comparison in (Shi et al., 2019).


rpm (ndarray) – (4)-shaped array of ints containing the RPMs values of the 4 motors.

_integrate_q(quat, omega, dt)[source]
Return type:



Loads parameters from an URDF file.

This method is nothing more than a custom XML parser for the .urdf files in folder assets/.


Draws the local frame of the n-th drone in PyBullet’s GUI.


Updates and stores the drones kinematic information.

This method is meant to limit the number of calls to PyBullet in each step and improve performance (at the expense of memory).

control_input_to_array(rpm1, rpm2, rpm3, rpm4)[source]
Return type:


property normalized_control_input

De-normalizes the [-1, 1] range to the [0, max_rpm] range.


normalized_control_input (ndarray) – (4)-shaped array of ints containing an input in the [-1, 1] range.


(4)-shaped array of ints containing RPMs for the 4 motors in the [0, max_rpm] range.

set_control_input(rpm1, rpm2, rpm3, rpm4)[source]

Advances the environment by one simulation step.

property subinputs_dict: DroneModelSubinputs

The input of a system is the composition of subinputs.


A car input [vx, vy, vz, s] is composed by the velocity and the steering angle.

>>> from symaware.base import DynamicalModel
>>> class CarModel(DynamicalModel):
...     @property
...     def subinputs_dict(self):
...         return {
...             "velocity": self._control_input[:3],
...             "steering_angle": self._control_input[3]
...         }


The order of the subinputs in the list must be the same as the order of the subinputs in the input vector

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DroneModelSubinputs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

rpm1: float
rpm2: float
rpm3: float
rpm4: float
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DroneRacerModel(ID, debug=False)[source]

Bases: DroneModel

Dynamical model adapted for the Racer drone

_get_torque(rpm, forces)[source]
Return type:

tuple[float, float, float]

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.DynamicalModel(ID, control_input)[source]

Bases: DynamicalModel

Abstract class for the dynamical models using the PyBullet physics engine.

  • ID (int) – Identifier of the agent this model belongs to

  • control_input (ndarray) – Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs


Initialise the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity when it is added to the environment.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

abstract step()[source]

Run a simulation step of the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity at each simulation step.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.RacecarModel(ID, max_force=20.0, steering_links=(0, 2), motorized_wheels=(8, 15))[source]

Bases: DynamicalModel

PyBullet dynamical model for the racecar.

  • ID (int) – Identifier of the agent this model belongs to

  • control_input – Initial control input of the agent. It also used to validate the size of future control inputs

  • max_force (float, default: 20.0) – Maximum force that can be applied to the wheels

  • steering_links (tuple[int, int], default: (0, 2)) – Tuple of the two links that are used to steer the car

  • motorized_wheels (tuple[int, int], default: (8, 15)) – Tuple of the two links that are used to drive the car

__LOGGER = <Logger symaware.simulators.pybullet.RacecarModel (WARNING)>
control_input_to_array(target_velocity, steering_angle)[source]
Return type:



Initialise the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity when it is added to the environment.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

set_control_input(target_velocity, steering_angle)[source]

Run a simulation step of the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity at each simulation step.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

property subinputs_dict: RacecarModelSubinputs

The input of a system is the composition of subinputs.


A car input [vx, vy, vz, s] is composed by the velocity and the steering angle.

>>> from symaware.base import DynamicalModel
>>> class CarModel(DynamicalModel):
...     @property
...     def subinputs_dict(self):
...         return {
...             "velocity": self._control_input[:3],
...             "steering_angle": self._control_input[3]
...         }


The order of the subinputs in the list must be the same as the order of the subinputs in the input vector

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.RacecarModelSubinputs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

steering_angle: ndarray
target_velocity: ndarray
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.RawDynamicalModel(agent_id)[source]

Bases: DynamicalModel

Raw dynamical model for the entity. It allows to set the position and orientation of the entity directly. It takes a control input of six elements:

  • x: x position

  • y: y position

  • z: z position

  • yaw: yaw orientation

  • pitch: pitch orientation

  • roll: roll orientation

control_input_to_array(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll)[source]
Return type:


set_control_input(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll)[source]

Run a simulation step of the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity at each simulation step.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

property subinputs_dict: RawModelSubinputs

The input of a system is the composition of subinputs.


A car input [vx, vy, vz, s] is composed by the velocity and the steering angle.

>>> from symaware.base import DynamicalModel
>>> class CarModel(DynamicalModel):
...     @property
...     def subinputs_dict(self):
...         return {
...             "velocity": self._control_input[:3],
...             "steering_angle": self._control_input[3]
...         }


The order of the subinputs in the list must be the same as the order of the subinputs in the input vector

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.RawModelSubinputs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

pitch: float
roll: float
x: float
y: float
yaw: float
z: float
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.Velocity2DModel(agent_id, z=2, pitch=0, roll=0, time_step=-1.0)[source]

Bases: DynamicalModel

A simple model that moves the entity in the x-y plane. The entity can move forward and rotate around the z-axis. It takes a control input of two elements:

  • v: linear velocity (scalar)

  • w: angular velocity (scalar)

From the control input, the model computes the new position and orientation of the entity based on the following kinematic equations:

x’ = x + t_e * v * cos(yaw) y’ = y + t_e * v * sin(yaw) yaw’ = yaw + t_e * w

where t_e is the time elapsed since the last step and x, y, yaw are the current x-y position and orientation of the entity.

  • agent_id (int) – Identifier of the agent this model belongs to

  • z (float, default: 2) – Fixed height of the entity

  • pitch (float, default: 0) – Fixed pitch of the entity

  • roll (float, default: 0) – Fixed roll of the entity

  • time_step (float, default: -1.0) – Fix the time interval between each step to a specific value. If it is <= 0, the model will use the real time elapsed between each step instead.

control_input_to_array(v, w)[source]
Return type:


set_control_input(v, w)[source]

Run a simulation step of the dynamical model. Called by the associated entity at each simulation step.

  • args – Additional arguments

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments

property subinputs_dict: Velocity2DSubinputs

The input of a system is the composition of subinputs.


A car input [vx, vy, vz, s] is composed by the velocity and the steering angle.

>>> from symaware.base import DynamicalModel
>>> class CarModel(DynamicalModel):
...     @property
...     def subinputs_dict(self):
...         return {
...             "velocity": self._control_input[:3],
...             "steering_angle": self._control_input[3]
...         }


The order of the subinputs in the list must be the same as the order of the subinputs in the input vector

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.dynamical_model.Velocity2DSubinputs[source]

Bases: TypedDict

v: float
w: float

symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities module

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.A1Entity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/a1/a1.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

A1 entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

  • init_flags (int, default: 0) – Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/a1/a1.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.AirplaneEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/airplane.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Airplane entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/airplane.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.BoxEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, sizes=<factory>)[source]

Bases: Entity

Box entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

  • sizes (ndarray, default: <factory>) – Size of the box

sizes: ndarray
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.CubeEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/cube.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Cube entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/cube.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.DroneCf2pEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/cf2p.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Drone entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/cf2p.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.DroneCf2xEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/cf2x.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Drone entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/cf2x.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.DroneRacerEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/racer.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Drone entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/symaware/simulators/pybullet/assets/racer.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.Entity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1)[source]

Bases: Entity

Abstract class for the entities using the PyBullet physics engine. All the internal identifiers are set to -1 by default, and will be set to the correct values during the initialisation.

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

_bod_id: int = -1
_col_id: int = -1
_entity_id: int = -1
_vis_id: int = -1
property entity_id
abstract initialise()[source]
mass: float = 1
model: DynamicalModel
orientation: ndarray
position: ndarray
velocity: ndarray
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.Plane100Entity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/plane100.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Plane entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/plane100.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.PlaneEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/plane.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Default plane entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/plane.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.RacecarEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/racecar/racecar_differential.urdf', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: URDFEntity

Racecar entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

  • init_flags (int, default: 0) – Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

urdf_path: str = '/builds/sadegh/eicsymaware/.tox/docs/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pybullet_data/racecar/racecar_differential.urdf'
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.SphereEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, radius=1.0)[source]

Bases: Entity

Sphere entity

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

  • radius (float, default: 1.0) – Radius of the sphere

radius: float = 1.0
class symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities.URDFEntity(id=-1, model=<factory>, mass=1, position=<factory>, velocity=<factory>, orientation=<factory>, _entity_id=-1, _col_id=-1, _vis_id=-1, _bod_id=-1, urdf_path='', init_flags=0, global_scaling=1.0, texture_ids=-1, rgb_colors=(-1, -1, -1, -1))[source]

Bases: Entity

Generic entity loaded from a URDF file

  • id (int, default: -1) – Identifier of the entity, if linked to an Agent

  • mass (float, default: 1) – Mass of the entity in the physics simulation

  • position (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • velocity (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0

  • orientation (ndarray, default: <factory>) – (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array

  • model (DynamicalModel, default: <factory>) – Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of PybulletDynamicalModel

  • urdf_path (str, default: '') – Path to the URDF file containing the definition of the entity

  • init_flags (int, default: 0) – Flags to use when loading the URDF file

  • global_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scaling factor to apply to the entity’s size

  • texture_ids (int | dict[int, int], default: -1) – Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied.

  • rgb_colors (tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]], default: (-1, -1, -1, -1)) – Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied.

global_scaling: float = 1.0
init_flags: int = 0
rgb_colors: tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]] = (-1, -1, -1, -1)
texture_ids: int | dict[int, int] = -1
urdf_path: str = ''

symaware.simulators.pybullet.environment module

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.environment.Environment(real_time_interval=0, connection_method=1, plane_scaling=1.0, gravity=(0, 0, -9.8), async_loop_lock=None)[source]

Bases: Environment

Environment based on the PyBullet physics engine.

  • real_time_interval (float, default: 0) – If set to a strictly positive value, pybullet will run the simulation in real time. Otherwise, the simulation will run when step() is called.

  • connection_method (int, default: 1) – Method used to connect to the pybullet server. See the pybullet documentation for more information.

  • plane_scaling (float, default: 1.0) – Scale of the plane automatically added to the environment to represent the ground. If set to a non positive value, the plane will not be added.

  • gravity (float | tuple[float, float, float], default: (0, 0, -9.8)) – Set the gravity the physics engine will apply at each simulation step. It can be a single floating point value, in which case it will be applied along the third axis, or a tuple of three values, one for each axis.

  • async_loop_lock (AsyncLoopLock | None, default: None) – Async loop lock to use for the environment

__LOGGER = <Logger symaware.simulators.pybullet.Pybullet.Environment (WARNING)>

Add an entity to the environment, initialising it. The actual implementation should be done in the derived class, based on the simulated environment API. The entity’s initialise_entity() function should be called within this function with the appropriate arguments.


entity (Entity) – entity to initialise

configure_debug_visualizer(flag, enable, light_position, shadow_map_resolution, shadow_map_size, shadow_map_intensity, rgb_background)[source]

Configure the debug visualizer in the pybullet environment

  • flag (int) – Flag to set

  • enable (bool) – Enable or disable the debug visualizer

  • light_position (tuple[float, float, float]) – Position of the light

  • shadow_map_resolution (int) – Resolution of the shadow map

  • shadow_map_size (int) – Size of the shadow map

  • shadow_map_intensity (float) – Intensity of the shadow map

  • rgb_background (tuple[float, float, float]) – Background color


Disable the debug visualizer in the pybullet environment.


Get the state of an entity in the environment. The actual implementation should be done in the derived class, based on the simulated environment API.


entity (Entity) – entity to get the state of


ndarray – State of the entity within the environment


Initialise the simulation, allocating the required resources. Should be called when the simulation has been set up and is ready to be run. Some environment implementations may call it automatically when the environment is created. It is their responsibility to ensure that the method is idempotent.

set_debug_camera_position(distance, yaw, pitch, position)[source]

Set the position of the debug camera in the pybullet environment.

  • distance (float) – Distance from the target

  • yaw (float) – Yaw angle of the camera

  • pitch (float) – Pitch angle of the camera

  • position (tuple[float, float, float]) – Position of the camera


It can be called repeatedly step the environment forward in time, updating the state of all the entities.


Terminate the simulation, releasing the resources. Should be called when the simulation has been running manually and needs to be stopped. Some environment implementations may call it automatically when the environment is destroyed. It is their responsibility to ensure that the method is idempotent.


Depending on the simulator implementation, calling this method may invalidate all the entities previously added to the environment. In that case, entities and the environment should be recreated from scratch.

take_screenshot(width=1440, height=1120, shadow=False, renderer=65536)[source]

Take a screenshot of the current view of the camera and return it as a 3-dimensional numpy array of (height x width x rgba). The rgba values are in the interval [0, 1].

An image produced this way can be saved on the disk using the matplotib utility.


>>> import pybullet as p
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from symaware.simulators.pybullet import Environment
>>> env = Environment(connection_method=p.DIRECT)
>>> img = env.take_screenshot(width=1080, height=720)
>>> plt.imsave("my_image", img)
  • width (int, default: 1440) – Width of the image

  • height (int, default: 1120) – Height of the image

  • shadow (bool, default: False) – Whether to capture the shadows of the image

  • renderer (int, default: 65536) – Underlying renderer used by pybullet

  • Returns – 3-dimensional numpy array containing the screenshot of the simulation

Return type:


property use_real_time: bool

symaware.simulators.pybullet.urdf module

class symaware.simulators.pybullet.urdf.URDF(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum listing all the built-in URDF

A1 = 'a1'
AIRPLANE = 'airplane'
CUBE = 'cube'
DRONE_CF2P = 'drone_cf2p'
DRONE_CF2X = 'drone_cf2x'
DRONE_RACER = 'drone_racer'
PLANE = 'plane'
PLANE_100 = 'plane_100'
RACECAR = 'racecar'
property urdf: str

Path to the URDF file corresponding to the enum entry

Module contents