Source code for symaware.simulators.pybullet.entities

from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import numpy as np
import pybullet as p

from symaware.base import Entity as BaseEntity
from symaware.base import NullDynamicalModel

from .dynamical_model import DynamicalModel
from .urdf import URDF

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Entity(BaseEntity): """ Abstract class for the entities using the PyBullet physics engine. All the internal identifiers are set to -1 by default, and will be set to the correct values during the initialisation. Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` """ mass: float = field(default=1) position: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.zeros(3)) velocity: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.zeros(3)) orientation: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])) model: "DynamicalModel" = field(default_factory=NullDynamicalModel) _entity_id: int = field(default=-1) _col_id: int = field(default=-1) _vis_id: int = field(default=-1) _bod_id: int = field(default=-1) @property def entity_id(self): return self._entity_id def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__( self, "position", np.pad(self.position[:3], (0, max(0, 3 - len(self.position))), mode="constant") ) object.__setattr__( self, "velocity", np.pad(self.velocity[:3], (0, max(0, 3 - len(self.velocity))), mode="constant") ) if len(self.orientation) == 3: object.__setattr__(self, "orientation", np.array(p.getQuaternionFromEuler(self.orientation))) elif len(self.orientation) == 4: object.__setattr__(self, "orientation", np.array(self.orientation)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid orientation {self.orientation}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialise(self): object.__setattr__( self, "_bod_id", p.createMultiBody(self.mass, self._col_id, self._vis_id, self.position, self.orientation) )
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((super().__hash__(), self._entity_id, self._vis_id, self._bod_id, self._col_id))
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class URDFEntity(Entity): """ Generic entity loaded from a URDF file Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` urdf_path: Path to the URDF file containing the definition of the entity init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default="") init_flags: int = field(default=0) global_scaling: float = field(default=1.0) texture_ids: "int | dict[int, int]" = field(default=-1) rgb_colors: "tuple[float, float, float, float] | dict[int, tuple[int, int, int, int]]" = field( default=(-1, -1, -1, -1) )
[docs] def initialise(self): if self.urdf_path == "": raise ValueError("URDF path not set") object.__setattr__( self, "_entity_id", p.loadURDF( self.urdf_path, self.position, self.orientation, flags=self.init_flags, globalScaling=self.global_scaling, ), ) if self._entity_id < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to initialise {self.__class__.__name__}: negative id = {self._entity_id}") p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self._entity_id, self.position, self.orientation) if not isinstance(self.model, NullDynamicalModel): self.model.initialise(self._entity_id) if self.texture_ids != -1: texture_ids = self.texture_ids if isinstance(self.texture_ids, dict) else {-1: self.texture_ids} for link_id, texture_id in texture_ids.items(): p.changeVisualShape(self._entity_id, link_id, textureUniqueId=texture_id) if isinstance(self.rgb_colors, tuple) and min(self.rgb_colors) >= 0: rgb_colors = self.rgb_colors if isinstance(self.rgb_colors, dict) else {-1: self.rgb_colors} for link_id, rgb_color in rgb_colors.items(): p.changeVisualShape(self._entity_id, link_id, rgbaColor=rgb_color)
def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RacecarEntity(URDFEntity): """ Racecar entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.RACECAR.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class A1Entity(URDFEntity): """ A1 entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.A1.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DroneCf2pEntity(URDFEntity): """ Drone entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.DRONE_CF2P.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DroneCf2xEntity(URDFEntity): """ Drone entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.DRONE_CF2X.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class DroneRacerEntity(URDFEntity): """ Drone entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.DRONE_RACER.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class CubeEntity(URDFEntity): """ Cube entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.CUBE.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class PlaneEntity(URDFEntity): """ Default plane entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.PLANE.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Plane100Entity(URDFEntity): """ Plane entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.PLANE_100.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class AirplaneEntity(URDFEntity): """ Airplane entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` init_flags: Flags to use when loading the URDF file global_scaling: Scaling factor to apply to the entity's size texture_ids: Unique id of the texture to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: texture_id } If set to -1, no texture is applied. rgb_colors: Tuple of for elements (red, green, blu, alpha) to apply to link -1 or dictionary of values { link_id: (red, green, blu, alpha) }. The color values range from [0, 1]. If set to a tuple and any of its values are negative, no rgb_color is applied. """ urdf_path: str = field(default=URDF.AIRPLANE.urdf) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SphereEntity(Entity): """ Sphere entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` radius: Radius of the sphere """ radius: float = field(default=1.0)
[docs] def initialise(self): object.__setattr__(self, "_col_id", p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=self.radius)) object.__setattr__(self, "_vis_id", p.createVisualShape(p.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=self.radius)) super().initialise()
def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BoxEntity(Entity): """ Box entity Args ---- id: Identifier of the entity, if linked to an :class:`Agent` mass: Mass of the entity in the physics simulation position: (3)-shaped initial position of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 velocity: (3)-shaped initial velocity of the entity. If the size is less than 3, the missing values are set to 0 orientation: (3,4)-shaped initial orientation of the entity. A 3-sized array is interpreted as Euler angles and converted to a 4-sized quaternion array model: Dynamical model associated with the entity. Must be a subclass of :class:`.PybulletDynamicalModel` sizes: Size of the box """ sizes: np.ndarray = field(default_factory=lambda: np.ones(3)) def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() object.__setattr__(self, "sizes", np.pad(self.sizes[:3], (0, max(0, 3 - len(self.sizes))), mode="constant"))
[docs] def initialise(self): object.__setattr__(self, "_col_id", p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=self.sizes)) object.__setattr__(self, "_vis_id", p.createVisualShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=self.sizes)) super().initialise()
def __hash__(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation return super().__hash__()